Christopher Russell Dawson
Lakeland, FL, USA
xrd on GitHub
Team player with strong oral and written communication skills and an analytical and problem solving aptitude. Strong coaching and people management experience within large corporate structures. O'Reilly author. ex-Apple, ex-Ebay, ex-RealNetworks. CS Degree, UWashington. Currently studying LLMs + generative AI and realtime synchronization databases. I prefer JavaScript+ESlint+JSDoc to Typescript.
Technical Qualifications
Expert level:
Android/Java (Teddy Hyde GitHub/GitLab editor for Android or, Apollo/GraphQL, Pocketbase (Plz@Me: watch important conversations on Hacker News), Espresso, JUnit; Svelte (; GraphQL/Hasura; GitLab, CI; Docker / Dokku ( Networking: Linux networking, virtual devices, wireshark/tshark, wireguard, multicast routing; Virtualization: Docker, dokku, QEMU, LXC, managed multiple custom docker registries
Intermediate level:
C++/C (Qt Framework): MacOS and Windows based GStreamer application, code signing, stapling, library relocation, installers; Ruby/Rails
"Building Tools for GitHub", O'Reilly, 2016. ( build testable API-driven applications using the GitHub API. Published in English, Japanese ( and Korean.
"The Legend of Katarismo" : Building text-based adventure games with LLMs and JavaScript ( blog : data-driven reporting on Docker ( and ReactJS (
Open Source Contributor
Apollo GraphQL libraries for Android (
If you run the task ./gradlew :apollo-compiler:updateTestIRFiles from the command line, IR generation works fine. If you run from the Android Studio gradle menu, the task fails because the working directory is mistakenly set to apollo-compiler (so paths look like apollo-compiler/apollo-compiler/... and IR fails)...
InvokeAI (generative AI; added Docker GPU support and CORS fixes) (#2031 and #1985)
This permits you to use GPUs by running the docker script like: GPU_FLAGS="--gpus all" ./docker-build/ If you don't set the GPU_FLAGS it is ignored, and therefore does not affect running docker on the CPU for hosts without a GPU...
Employment History
Vivoh: CTO
June 2020-now. QT-based Gstreamer desktop application written in C++ for OSX and Windows ( React+TS based webinar manager application, Linux, OSX, Windows ( Various internal and external Svelte-based applications. Rust based video encoder using GStreamer bindings
AgentIQ: Full-stack engineer
Aug 2019-May 2020, AI-based banking agent.
Screencast-o-Matic: React/Android Engineer
Aug 2018-June 2019 Chromebook App built using ReactJS (150k users), Android screencasting application, NodeJS authentication and file upload, AWS Lambda Encoding Workflow
eBay: Android Engineer / Manager
Payments Team, Sept 2014 - June 2018 Two time eBay Mobile Hackathon Winner (grand prize 2016, best developer tool 2015, honorable mention 2017) Android and iOS mobile apps for payments domain
Woven Media (Chief Architect, acquired), Webcast-in-a-Box, (CTO, acquired), Virage, RealNetworks, Apple
Training and Public Speaking
O'Reilly Webcast: Building Slackbots inside a Docker Playground (
Education & Languages
University of Washington, BS Computer Science, BA Japanese Language and Literature
Fluent in Japanese, conversational Portuguese.